With Choice of Trade Negotiator, Trump Prepares to Confront Mexico and China (the first half)

With Choice of Trade Negotiator, Trump Prepares to Confront Mexico and China (the first half)
The New York Times, Tuesday, JAN. 3, 2017

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump on Tuesday named as his chief trade negotiator a Washington lawyer who has long advocated protectionist policies, the latest sign that Mr. Trump intends to fulfill his campaign promise to get tough with China, Mexico and other trading partners.
Mr. Trump also renewed his episodic campaign to convince American companies to expand domestic manufacturing, criticizing General Motors via Twitter on Tuesday morning for making in Mexico some of the Chevrolet Cruze hatchbacks it sells domestically. Hours later, Mr. Trump claimed credit after Ford said it would expand vehicle production in Flat Rock, Mich.

Key words and phrases:  protectionist 保護貿易主義者  episodic 挿話的な(episodeエピソードの形容詞)  claime credit 称賛(信頼)と主張する(断言する)

ワシントン — 次期大統領のドナルド・J・トランプは、火曜日に、彼の主席取引交渉者に長く保護貿易主義者方針を擁護したワシントンの弁護士を指名しました。これは、トランプ氏が中国、メキシコや他の取引相手に対して強硬になるという彼の選挙公約を果たすための最新の徴候です。
